Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Review of Fitch's "The End of Evangelicalism?"

A very good review, in fact.  Why should you read it [the review and then the book]?  Because it proposes a way forward in faithful mission for Christ's church.  A huge emphasis of the book is posture (read: humility), for those who profess to follow Jesus in their approach to the Christian life and toward those who don't believe in the same way.  Our faith community has been discussing this quite a bit from multiple texts - especially in the Gospels (i.e. the woman caught in adultery; wee-little-tax-collector-man Zaccheus; Mary annointing Jesus' feet ...).  Fitch's book isn't about abandoning convictions, but rather embracing convictions with humility in order to be shaped by them [or something like that] ...